Posted on 5/31/2023
Cars - we all love and hate them sometimes. With almost everyone having one or at least being a passenger, interesting stories and facts are bound to happen. Furthermore, the love of some car enthusiasts pushes them to invent new things like the people at Koenigsegg, famous for the world's wildest and fastest cars. If you want to learn a few interesting facts about cars, continue reading because we will share five of them below! 1. The first car accident occurred in 1891 The first recorded car accident in history happened in Ohio, USA, in 1891. James William Lambert was driving his single-cylinder gasoline engine car with his friend James Swoveland when he hit a tree root and lost control of the vehicle. The car crashed into a hitching post, injuring both men. Inspired by that accident, Lambert later patented over 600 inventions related to automobiles! 2. The world’s most expensive car is worth $19 million One of the world’s most ex ... read more
Posted on 5/1/2023
Photo by Jean-Lui Poston on Unsplash Replace Your Air Filter: A Step-By-Step Guide From Import Auto Specialists Are you noticing your car is not performing as well as it should? One of the reasons why your car may need to be running at its optimal level is because of a dirty air filter. When your filter isn't taken care of, it can cause a rough idle, decreased acceleration, and decreased fuel efficiency. To keep your car running smoothly, you should regularly check and replace your air filter. What's an Air Filter and Why Should You Care? Think of your car's air filter like a bouncer at a club - its job is to let in only the good stuff and keep out the riff raff. It filters out all the dirt, dust, and other gross stuff that can mess up your engine while letting in clean air to help your engine burn fuel more efficiently. Over time, your air f ... read more