Posted on 5/1/2023

Photo by Jean-Lui Poston on Unsplash Replace Your Air Filter: A Step-By-Step Guide From Import Auto Specialists Are you noticing your car is not performing as well as it should? One of the reasons why your car may need to be running at its optimal level is because of a dirty air filter. When your filter isn't taken care of, it can cause a rough idle, decreased acceleration, and decreased fuel efficiency. To keep your car running smoothly, you should regularly check and replace your air filter. What's an Air Filter and Why Should You Care? Think of your car's air filter like a bouncer at a club - its job is to let in only the good stuff and keep out the riff raff. It filters out all the dirt, dust, and other gross stuff that can mess up your engine while letting in clean air to help your engine burn fuel more efficiently. Over time, your air f ... read more
Posted on 4/1/2023

Photo by Alec Marc Wagner on Unsplash What’s An Alternator And What Does It Do? There are many moving parts and pieces in your vehicle–so when something is out of whack, it can be difficult to pin-point the issue. To better take care of your vehicle, it’s essential to learn about these many moving parts. Today, we’re going to chat about your alternator. An alternator is an essential component of a vehicle's electrical system. It plays a vital role in keeping your car running smoothly. In this blog, we'll explain what an alternator is, what it does, and the signs of its failure. We'll also provide some tips on how to maintain and repair an alternator and why it's essential to have regular inspections at an experienced auto repair shop. What Is An Alternator? So, what is an alternator? It's an electric ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2023

Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash It’s Time To Replace Your Wipers San Diego experienced rain like never before this Winter and, in doing so, became the talking point of national news. If your windshield wipers were working hard to keep you safe in the flooding conditions, it might be time to replace them. Windshield wipers should be replaced about once a year or sooner if they’ve worn them. Worn-out wipers may have rubber trailing behind them, scrape against your windshield, or do a poor job of getting water and debris out of the windshield. I’m a big believer that regardless of the rain season or how often your wipers are getting action, it’s necessary to replace them at least once a year–but usually, much sooner. Below, I’ll go over signs you need to replace your windshield wipers, provide a quick how-to, and explain the bene ... read more
Posted on 1/1/2023

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash Many people think the most important thing a car does is go. But just as important is your brake being able to stop! If you’re looking to take care of your brakes better than ever in the new year, you’ve come to the right place! Taking care of your brakes is as simple as keeping up with their regular maintenance schedule, replacing worn-out parts promptly, and going gentle on them when you can. Pay close attention to any strange feelings underfoot, and keep an ear out for atypical noises. Brake maintenance can often be overlooked since it's not as exciting or glamorous as other purchases–but keeping up with regular brake inspections and repairs is crucial for safe and reliable driving! Below, we list some of our top tips for taking care of your brakes, easy enough to implement at the same time as all ... read more
Posted on 11/1/2022

Photo by Mark Boss on Unsplash Winterizing Your Car And Why It Matters Winter is coming, and if you live in California, it's not necessarily the cold that should worry you…it's the moisture! The weather can change quickly here, so it's essential to take precautions to ensure your car lasts through the months ahead. Here are a few ways to winterize your vehicle and ensure it gets you through any unexpected temperature changes. A little prep can go a long way in helping your car last. Winterizing your car can be extremely helpful in preventing several problems. However, it looks different here in San Diego than in Denver or Cincinnati. No, you probably won’t need snow tires (unless you’re traveling), but you do still need to run an assessment of your vehicle. Winterization can save money and help prevent accidents, emergency repairs, and other issues that may ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2014
Question: My tire pressure warning light came on recently. What does that mean? Answer: It means that one or more of your tires has low air pressure. The dashboard warning light, which looks like a cross-section of a tire with some lines in it, comes on when the tire pressure is 20% below what the auto maker recommends. So if your recommendation is for 35 psi (pounds per square inch), the light will come on when your pressure falls to 28 psi. It’s vital to note that 20% below recommended pressure is significantly under-inflated. This means that you will be experiencing degraded handling and that your tire will be running hotter than it should. This can not only be a safety hazard, but your tires will wear prematurely and could even suffer a heat related failure. San Diego drivers should not use their Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) warning light as their trigger for checking their tire pressure. They should still check their tire pressure at least once a ... read more