Posted on 3/18/2022

Spring is nearly here in San Diego! While the temperature shifts are not drastic between each season, there are some changes you should make with your car. We thought it would be useful to lay out all the car maintenance items you should watch out for this season. Battery Performance - A typical car battery can last anywhere between 3-5 months depending on the quality, the environment it runs in, how well you take care of it, etc. Feel free to drop by our auto repair shop for a battery test. This will allow you to gauge how long before you need to replace it. Oil Level & Quality - As we all know, motor oil is the most important item for engine performance. Before the summertime begins, it is great to check to see your oil level and condition. Otherwise, it doesn't hurt to come in for an oil change. Tire Condition - There are two things that you should check regularly when it comes to your vehicle's tires: pressure and tread depth. To ensure they wear ... read more
Posted on 3/1/2022

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash Many people like to make assumptions based on trends and current statistics when it comes to the future. We can never make guaranteed predictions about the future, but we can engage in the conversation. Most of us struggle to know all the mechanics that make our vehicles function when it comes to our cars. That is where auto technicians come into play. The Auto Repair Industry has been known as a lucrative business, but does that assumption still hold today? There are trends in the Auto Repair Industry that can give us a better insight into what is going on. In recent years, the technological advancements we have made in vehicles have made it harder for local Auto Repair shops to keep up with the knowledge and tools to repair advanced vehicles such as electric or hydrogen vehicles. One trend that is majorly impacti ... read more