Pull your vehicle to the side of the road making sure you're completely out of the path of oncoming traffic. Once you're sure it's safe, exit your vehicle and find the damaged tire.
Turn On Hazard Lights - tell oncoming traffic and roadside safety officials that your vehicle is disabled.
Set Parking Brakes - safety precaution to make sure your car is steady during the process.
Wheel Wedges - keep your car from rolling while you're on the ground changing a tire. No wheel wedges available? Substitute a sturdy board or rock.
Tools - lug wrench, jack, inflated spare tire.
Take off hubcaps or wheel coverings.
Prepare to remove the tire by loosening the lug nuts. (The lug nuts will be completely removed in a later step.)
Never place any part of your body directly underneath the car.
Place the jack underneath your car. Most vehicles have a pre-installed notch for the jack to connect. Once you've secured the jack in place, begin jacking up your car until the tires are about 6 inches off the ground.
Now it's time to completely remove the lugnuts. Unscrew the lugnuts in a counterclockwise motion with the lug wrench and then with your hands.Once the lug nuts are completely removed, the next step is to remove your tire.
Remove the tire by tugging in a firm motion until the tire completely slides off the lugs. Once you've removed the damaged tire, place the tire aside or in the trunk for later repair or replacement.
Next, mount your spare tire by aligning the holes in the tire with the lugs. Slide the spare tire in place and fit snugly against the car. Tighten your lug nuts by hand. (You'll tighten the lug nuts completely in a later step.)
It's time to lower the vehicle back down to the ground and completely tighten the lug nuts. Use your bodyweight against the lug wrench to give the lug nuts more security.
Replace the hub cap or wheel coverings. Gather all of your tools and equipment. Check the air pressure on your spare tire. Take both tires to a tire service technician for repair, replacement, or service.