Most people are unaware that their brake system is hydraulic. What that means is that your brakes work as a result of the pressure created by brake fluid. When you step on the pedal, this fluid gets pushed to engage the calipers which help your brake pads clamp onto the rotors to stop your spinning tires. And just like how you have to replace your brake pads or shoes, you have to service your brake fluid too.
Is Changing Your Brake Fluid Necessary?
Yes, it is necessary to keep your vehicle safe on the road. Over time, the brake fluid sitting under the hood will get contaminated and become less effective overall. As the boiling points decrease, so does your vehicle’s braking power.
Depending on your car’s make and model and type of brake fluid, your brake fluid service or flush may vary. Typically, manufacturers recommend getting them done anywhere between every 2 years or 20,000 miles to 5 years or 50,0000 miles. To be sure, you can refer to your car’s owner’s manual.
Besides brake fluid flushes and changes, checking your brake fluid levels and condition is a key part of brake maintenance. It is easy to do on your own. Here are the steps:
- Locate the brake fluid master cylinder reservoir. It is typically under the hood.
- It should be a transparent or clear tank with a marked line that says full. If the fluid inside looks clear with a slight yellow tint, that is the right one! The reservoir is made this way so you don’t have to remove the lid.
- If the color of the fluid is darker than usual or has dirty specks in it, it is better to be safe than sorry and change the brake fluid.
Next time your vehicle is due for an oil change, feel free to ask our techs to check your brake fluid condition. At Import Auto Specialists, we perform quality fluid exchanges using the best machines and products, including brake fluid flushes. If you are looking for brake fluid services, please give us a call or schedule your appointment online today.