Welcome to February! We’ve got the Super Bowl in one week and Valentine‘s Day in two weeks. That’s two jam-packed weekends to get through.
As we make our plans for Valentine’s day, we’ve got love and affection on our minds. And the recurring theme is the neglectful car owner who realizes too late they want the car they own.
Over time, you may have become fickle with the love you’ve shown your car. You may have cut corners and refused to give your vehicle the care it needs to survive. Here are some steps to loving your car back to life!
- Inspection - the first step to solving any problem is identifying it. An assessment helps determine what life remains in your vehicle and what work you will need to do if you intend to maintain the car. If your vehicle is too far gone to come back, or if the cost will exceed getting a new car, this is where you tend to find out.
- Fluid exchange - if there’s life left in your vehicle, it will need to have the years of neglect addressed. Fluid exchanges-- also known as Flushes-- can solve radial problems in your engine by putting clean transmission, brake, and coolant fluids in your car and emptying out the old.
- Preventative maintenance - once there’s an indication of some life left in your car, it’s time to determine what damage it’ has seen. Suspension, transmission damage will not self-repair and must eventually be addressed.
- Budgeting - once all the issues with your vehicle are determined, it’s just a matter of sitting down and budgeting. Is it better for you to say goodbye to the old car and get a new one, or is it cheaper to keep up with the old car and restore it step-by-step?
There’s no set answer for whether or not you can love your old car back to life. It depends on the damage inflicted over time and what you can afford to put back into the car. The take-away from this should be that it is better to keep up with the maintenance on any car because outside of injury from accidents or hard-driving, the vehicle will survive longer with constant care and attention.
If you have a car that you like to save and recover, click this link to schedule an appointment today. Import Auto Specialists is located at 7171 Ronson Rd Ste B, San Diego, CA 92111. You'll find us open Mondays through Fridays, from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.