If you're like the average American, you may feel the pain of increased gas prices every time you fill up. To alleviate the hit your wallet may be taking, you should start thinking about gas-saving tips. Being aware of your driving habits and how they may be affecting your gas consumption is very important in this day and age. To help you save some money and gas, we've come up with these tips and hacks:
- Planning and Carpooling – You should plan ahead before getting into the car to avoid making more trips than necessary. Also, it's never a bad idea to carpool with friends and family as it can help keep the miles down and save the environment.
- Utilize Cruise Control – If you frequently drive on the highway, the cruise control feature can help keep your gas consumption down and also help you maintain a consistent speed.
- Avoid Speeding – Speaking of speeding, you can simply avoid overconsuming gas by following the speed limit.
- Avoid Hard Acceleration and Braking – Being careful of how hard you press on the gas and brake pedal can help you in the long run. Rapid movements of both can decrease your gas mileage up to 30 percent!
- Keep Up With Car Maintenance – Like most people, you probably overlook the impact of car maintenance. If you are driving around with an engine problem, you can lower your fuel economy by as much as 40 percent. You may be wasting even more money by causing more damages by running with it as opposed to taking it to get it fixed. Other parts that can impact your fuel economy include spark plugs, air filters, tire pressure, etc.
If you feel like your car is not pushing the same MPG as it once was, feel free to reach out to the professionals at Import Auto Specialists. At our auto repair shop, we look forward to getting down to the bottom of your automotive problems and providing you with excellent car care!