Posted on 2/18/2021

While the Porsche is a beautiful vehicle, there are common issues that it can have. If you plan to buy one, you will want to know what those issues are so you can watch for them. It's also a good idea to have a repair shop on your speed dial for when things do pop up. Here are some of the issues this type of vehicle often has. Cooling Problems The pipe sealing around the coolant distribution system in the Porsche can cause leaks. You may not see the leaks on your garage floor, either, because it might puddle on the engine between the cylinders. You will want the cooling system checked when you get regular maintenance to ward something worse off. Also watch for wet carpet in the trunk, which could be a sign of a leak. Engine Issues If you see smoke coming from your engine, it's really never a good sign. If you overfill the oil, which can happen if you don't use an experienced Porsche technician, the engine might need a total rebuild. The ... read more
Posted on 2/10/2021

Having the proper tires on your car ensures your safety, the safety of your passengers, and other drivers. Tire maintenance includes keeping them inflated to their correct pressure, keeping them aligned, and making sure they maintain a tread pattern. Why Is Tire Tread Important? Tire tread is important for helping you maintain control of your car, especially during unfavorable weather conditions. For most states, the minimum tire tread depth is 2/32 of an inch. When your tire's depth falls below this point, it's time to replace them. What Causes Excessive Wear and Tear on Your Tires? The different factors that cause wear and tear on your tires include: Improper tire inflation Misaligned tires Driving patterns Everyone drives differently and different driving pattern can quickly wear your tires, including: Hard braking Fast acceleration Driving at fast speeds Spinning your tires What Are the Different Types of Tire Wear? Cupping The irregular up and ... read more
Posted on 2/1/2021

Welcome to February! We’ve got the Super Bowl in one week and Valentine‘s Day in two weeks. That’s two jam-packed weekends to get through. As we make our plans for Valentine’s day, we’ve got love and affection on our minds. And the recurring theme is the neglectful car owner who realizes too late they want the car they own. Over time, you may have become fickle with the love you’ve shown your car. You may have cut corners and refused to give your vehicle the care it needs to survive. Here are some steps to loving your car back to life! Inspection - the first step to solving any problem is identifying it. An assessment helps determine what life remains in your vehicle and what work you will need to do if you intend to maintain the car. If your vehicle is too far gone to come back, or if the cost will exceed getting a new car, this is where you tend to find out. Fluid exchange - if there’s life le ... read more