Posted on 10/30/2022

If you've ever seen a car driving down the street with blue or black smoke pouring out of the exhaust pipe, you may have wondered what was wrong with it. In most cases, this type of smoke indicates that there is something wrong with the engine. Today, we're going to take a look at some of the most common causes of colored exhaust smoke and what they mean for your car. Most Common Causes of Colored Exhaust Smoke One of the most common causes of blue smoke is a leaking engine oil seal. When this happens, oil can enter the combustion chamber and be burned along with the gasoline. This will cause the smoke to be blue in color. In some cases, it can also lead to a loss of power and decreased fuel economy. Another common cause of colored exhaust smoke is a problem with the piston rings. Piston rings are responsible for sealing the space between the piston and the cylinder wall. If they are worn or damaged, they can allow oil and other fluids to enter the combustion chamber and be ... read more
Posted on 10/1/2022

Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash Have you ever been driving and see someone else driving aggressively? It can be scary, especially for new drivers. As the holidays approach, we may need to all take a minute and figure out how to deal with the monster inside of all of us–that is, road rage. Road rage comes in many forms, including unsafe lane changes, tailgating, honking horns, swerving into other lanes of traffic, and more. We sometimes get frustrated when driving on the road—it is one of the most frustrating aspects of modern life! However, it's important to remember that some people take their frustration to another level by lashing out at other drivers or even assaulting them physically. It's also important to remember that road rage drivers can come from any corner on any given day; they may even be someone you know! Know The Things That Bug You Th ... read more